Sinclair Sprockets
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Team D January 28th 6-9

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Team D January 28th 6-9 Empty Team D January 28th 6-9

Post  aurora Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:43 pm


For drive base for shooter B
-wheels were threaded
-treads were riveted on
-wire connectors were soldered on motor wires (courtesy of Nikola)
-middle wheels are done...back wheels kind of done

To Do:

-mount the 8 inch wheels
-find more hubs for the front 6 inch wheel and mount them
-figure out how the small wheels (I don't remember what their diameter was) will go on the drive base

.....also I'm sorry if Sami's log in the log book wasn't very clear her excitement got in the way of actually writing down the stuff Smile


Posts : 8
Join date : 2013-09-25
Age : 25

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