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Programming Questions

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Programming Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Programming Questions

Post  Brendan van Ryn Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:43 pm

Yeah, I know. There have been issues lately with me getting transportation. I should be able to drop it by tomorrow morning with instructions. Additionally, I think you and I, Will, should exchange contact information to help sort out issues during the next week or so as I have very limited availability for coming in personally.

Brendan van Ryn

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Age : 30

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Programming Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Programming Questions

Post  Brendan van Ryn Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:33 am

Okay, so I'm afraid it'll have to wait until tomorrow, Thursday the 21st. I have an exam in the morning and will drop it off BEFORE then. You and I, Will, can exchange contact informations so I can provide remote help during the exam week, and I will spend today trying to put together detailed instructions for you and preparing some testable code.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but I'll try to make it up by having lots ready for tomorrow.

Brendan van Ryn

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Age : 30

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Programming Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Programming Questions

Post  William Surmak Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:29 pm

Sounds great because I wasn't in today either. Razz When you say before approximately what time should I meet you?
William Surmak
William Surmak

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Join date : 2011-10-12

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Programming Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Programming Questions

Post  Matt Matys Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:22 pm

Seeing as Brendan has not yet replied, I'll answer your question for him Razz
Brendan has his calculus&vectors exam at 8:30, so if I were you, I'd be in the auto shop around 8 am, Will. Considering that Brendan will probably want to leave for his exam 5-10 minutes before it starts.
Matt Matys
Matt Matys

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Programming Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Programming Questions

Post  William Surmak Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:37 pm

OK, thanks Matt. Very Happy
William Surmak
William Surmak

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Programming Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Programming Questions

Post  William Surmak Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:47 pm

Your solution confuses me scratch . The test 1 file sort of worked. The top line says encoder value which constantly fluctuates up to maximum of 15, the second line says shooter speed which stays at 0 no matter what. The code you posted follows:

* Sprockets 2012
* Authors: Brendan van Ryn
* Stuart Sullivan
* Aliah McCalla
* Will Surmak
* Caleb McAnuff
* Jacob 'tMannetje
* Daniel "" Garza
* Last Updated: 1/04/2012

// Include our own header file with our own macros
#include "NewRobot.h"

// Header file for WPI standard hardware/robot overhead.
#include "WPILib.h"

// Header file for math functions
#include <math.h>

// Macro Functions
// Clears the Driver Station output display
#define CLEARMESSAGE DriverStationLCD::GetInstance()->Clear()

// Provides full free-form formatting, as per the usual printf(). Displays formatted text, a, on Driver Station on line, b.
#define DISPLAYPRINTF(b, a, ...) {DriverStationLCD::GetInstance()->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line ## b, 1, a, ## __VA_ARGS__); DriverStationLCD::GetInstance()->UpdateLCD();}

// Prototypes for functions (tells the compiler the format)
float Abs(float); // Returns the absolute value of a number
int AbsI(int); // Returns the absolute value of an integer

// Our main and only class. You could consider this an alteration of "int main(void)" if it makes it easier.
class SimpleTracker : public SimpleRobot
// Global variables accessible to entire program
Joystick *leftStick; // Left driver joystick
Joystick *rightStick; // Right driver joystick
Joystick *speedStick; // Co-driver joystick
Victor *frontMotor; // Front drive motor
Victor *rearMotor; // Rear drive motor
Jaguar *frontSteer; // Front steering motor
Jaguar *rearSteer; // Rear steering motor
Jaguar *lateralCollector; // Lateral ball-collector rollers
Jaguar *bottomShooter; // Bottom shooting roller
Encoder *frontSteeringEncoder; // Front steering encoder
Encoder *rearSteeringEncoder; // Rear steering encoder
Encoder *driveEncoder; // Drive wheel encoder
Encoder *rollerEncoder; // The encoder on the roller for measuring speed
Gyro *steeringGyro; // Steering gyro
Relay *magazineBelt; // Magazine conveyor
Relay *magazineBelt2; // Second magazine conveyor motor
Relay *transverseCollector; // Transverse collector belts
DigitalInput *armDownSwitch; // The limit switch that indicates the bridge manipulator is down
DigitalInput *armUpSwitch; // The limit switch that indicates that the bridge manipulator is up
DigitalInput *armStartSensor; // The light sensor that detects the primed position for the bridge manipulator
DigitalInput *armHitSensor; // The light sensor that detects when the bridge manipulator hits the bridge
DigitalInput *autonomousSwitchOne; // The autonomous switch that determines our autonomous mode
DigitalInput *autonomousSwitchTwo; // Another autonomous switch that determines our autonomous mode
AnalogChannel *rollerVoltage; // Voltage reading from shooting rollers (for speed)
Servo *frontDriveServo; // The servo to shift gears for the front gear box
Servo *rearDriveServo; // THe servo to shift gears for the rear gear box
Servo *armEngageServo; // The servo to engage the bridge manipulator arm

/* "Constructor". This code is run when the robot is first turned on. */
// Assign object pointers here.
frontMotor = new Victor(FRONTMOTORPORT); // Driving Motors
rearMotor = new Victor(REARMOTORPORT);

frontSteer = new Jaguar(FRONTSTEERINGMOTORPORT); // Steering Motors
rearSteer = new Jaguar(REARSTEERINGMOTORPORT);

bottomShooter = new Jaguar(BOTTOMSHOOTINGMOTORPORT); // Other motors
lateralCollector = new Jaguar(LATERALCOLLECTORPORT);

leftStick = new Joystick(LEFTJOYSTICKPORT); // Joysticks
rightStick = new Joystick(RIGHTJOYSTICKPORT);
speedStick = new Joystick(SPEEDJOYSTICKPORT);


steeringGyro = new Gyro(1, STEERINGGYROPORT); // Analogue devices
rollerVoltage = new AnalogChannel(ANALOGCHANNELPORT);

magazineBelt = new Relay(MAGAZINERELAYPORT); // Relays
magazineBelt2 = new Relay(MAGAZINERELAY2PORT);
transverseCollector = new Relay(TRANSVERSECOLLECTORPORT);

armStartSensor = new DigitalInput(ARMSTARTPOSITIONPORT); // Light sensors
armHitSensor = new DigitalInput(ARMHITPOSITIONPORT);

autonomousSwitchOne = new DigitalInput(AUTONOMOUSSWITCHPORTONE); // Switches
autonomousSwitchTwo = new DigitalInput(AUTONOMOUSSWITCHPORTTWO);
armDownSwitch = new DigitalInput(ARMDOWNSWITCHPORT);
armUpSwitch = new DigitalInput(ARMUPSWITCHPORT);

frontDriveServo = new Servo(FRONTSERVOPORT); // Servos
rearDriveServo = new Servo(REARSERVOPORT);
armEngageServo = new Servo(ARMENGAGESERVOPORT);

// Initialize encoders

// Initialize gyro

// Enable watchdog

/* Code to run while in tele-op, or driver-controlled mode. */
void OperatorControl(void)
// Variables
float leftx, rightx, lefty, righty; // The x- and y-positions of the two driver joysticks
float speedz; // The position of the co-driver throttle
float x, y; // The average x- and y-positions between the two driver joysticks
float swerveSpeed; // The drive motor speed when in swerve-drive mode
float swerveAngle; // The angle to turn the wheels in swerve-drive mode
float swerveAngleFront, swerveAngleRear; // The individual angles for the front and back sides, for use in different steering modes
int steeringMode = SWERVEMODE; // Store the current mode of steering
int currentButtonState = 0, previousButtonState = 0; // Store the current and previous states of the manual alignment buttons
int driveWheelEncoderValue; // Distance travelled by robot
float frontGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION; // Store the angle setting for the servos
float rearGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION;
float armPosition = LOWGEARPOSITION;
int armStage = 0; // Current stage of bridge manipulator
int magazineReverseCount = 0; // Allow the magazine to reverse for a bit before shooting
int servoPauseCount = 0; // Give the servos time to shift
int magazineAlternator = 0; // Alternate the direction of the magazine when firing to provide spacing for the balls
int preFire = 0; // Are we trying to use a pre-set firing speed?
int brakeValue = -1; // Encoder value to maintain when in brake mode
int armOverride = 0; // Override flag for manual winding of bridge manipulator
double shooterSpeed = 0.0; // Voltage from motor to read roller speed
int direction = -1; // The direction of the drive (allows quick reversing)
int reverseToggleCurrent = 0; // Previous state of reversing button
int reverseTogglePrevious = 0; // Current state of reversing button
double shooterReadings[20]; // Readings from the shooter encoder
double shooterAverage = 0.0f; // The average speed of the shooter
int readingPos = 0, previousPos = 19; // Position in the shooterReadings[] array
int i; // Loop index

// Reset the drive and shooter encoders, and the timer

// Initialize the shooter readings to zero
for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) shooterReadings[i] = 0.0;

// Clear the encoder count
GetRollerSpeed(1, 0.0);

// This code is run repeatedly so long as the robot is in teleop mode.
/* Tell the operating system that our program hasn't frozen */

/* Message displays */
DISPLAYPRINTF(1, "Shooter Encoder: %0.3f (%d)", shooterAverage, rollerEncoder->Get()); // The speed of the shooting roller encoder
DISPLAYPRINTF(2, "Shooter Speed: %0.3f", shooterSpeed); // The speed of the shooting roller
DISPLAYPRINTF(3, "Distance: %d", driveWheelEncoderValue); // Value of drive wheel encoder

// Get roller speed measurement
shooterReadings[readingPos] = GetRollerSpeed(0, shooterReadings[previousPos]);

// Look the measurements if we're shooting
// Average
for(i = 0, shooterAverage = 0.0; i < 20; i++) shooterAverage += shooterReadings[i];
shooterAverage /= 20;

// Advance position circularly
readingPos++; previousPos++;
if(readingPos >= 20) readingPos = 0;
if(previousPos >= 20) previousPos++;

// Get joystick positions
leftx = direction * leftStick->GetRawAxis(1);
lefty = direction * leftStick->GetRawAxis(2);
rightx = direction * rightStick->GetRawAxis(1);
righty = direction * rightStick->GetRawAxis(2);
speedz = (speedStick->GetRawAxis(3) - 1.0f) / 2.0f * -8.0f; // Scale from 0 to 8

// Get voltage from analog channel
shooterSpeed = rollerVoltage->GetVoltage();
if(shooterSpeed < 0.0f) shooterSpeed = 0.0f; // Positive voltages only

// Prevent back-rolling
if(speedz < 0.0f) speedz = 0.0f;

// Run the servo counter
if(servoPauseCount > 0)

// Run the magazine alternator up to a pre-determined value, then reset
if(magazineAlternator > MAGAZINEALTERNATORLIMIT) magazineAlternator = 0;
else magazineAlternator++;

// Check drive mode buttons
else if(CARMODEBUTTON) steeringMode = CARMODE;

// Check shooter buttons
if(FIRSTFIREBUTTON) SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDONE, shooterSpeed), preFire = 1;
else if(SECONDFIREBUTTON) SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDTWO, shooterSpeed), preFire = 1;
else if(THIRDFIREBUTTON) SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDTHREE, shooterSpeed), preFire = 1;
else if(FOURTHFIREBUTTON) SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDFOUR, shooterSpeed), preFire = 1;
else preFire = 0;

// Check gear shifting buttons
if(HIGHGEARBUTTON) frontGearSetting = rearGearSetting = HIGHGEARPOSITION, armPosition = ARMDISENGAGEPOSITION, armOverride = 0;
else if(LOWGEARBUTTON) frontGearSetting = rearGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION, armPosition = ARMDISENGAGEPOSITION, armOverride = 0;
else if(NEUTRALGEARBUTTON) frontGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION, rearGearSetting = NEUTRALGEARPOSITION, armPosition = ARMDISENGAGEPOSITION, armOverride = 0;
else if(BRIDGEMANIPULATEBUTTON && armPosition != ARMENGAGEPOSITION) frontGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION, rearGearSetting = NEUTRALGEARPOSITION, armPosition = ARMENGAGEPOSITION, servoPauseCount = SERVOPAUSETIME, armStage = 0, armOverride = 0;
else if(ARMUNWINDBUTTON) frontGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION, rearGearSetting = NEUTRALGEARPOSITION, armPosition = ARMENGAGEPOSITION, armOverride = 1;
else if(armOverride && !ARMUNWINDBUTTON) frontGearSetting = rearGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION, armPosition = ARMDISENGAGEPOSITION, armOverride = 0;

// Move servos to desired position

// Get the drive wheel encoder value
driveWheelEncoderValue = driveEncoder->Get();

// If the brake button isn't being pressed, store a sentinel value as the brake value for reference
if(!BRAKEMODEBUTTON) brakeValue = -1;

// Check magazine buttons
// Move forward for a set number of counts, then reverse for the rest in each cycle of the alternator
if(magazineAlternator < MAGAZINEALTERNATORLIMITONE) magazineBelt->Set(Relay::kForward), magazineBelt2->Set(Relay::kForward);
else magazineBelt->Set(Relay::kReverse), magazineBelt2->Set(Relay::kReverse);

// Prepare to revers when the button is released
magazineReverseCount = MAGAZINEREVERSETIME;
else if(MAGAZINEREVERSEBUTTON) magazineBelt->Set(Relay::kReverse), magazineBelt2->Set(Relay::kReverse);
else if(magazineReverseCount > 0) magazineBelt->Set(Relay::kReverse), magazineBelt2->Set(Relay::kReverse), magazineReverseCount--;
else magazineBelt->Set(Relay::kOff), magazineBelt2->Set(Relay::kOff);

// Check collector buttons (preFire prevents speed settings from affecting the back rolling of the shooter)
if(COLLECTORENABLEBUTTON) lateralCollector->Set(COLLECTORSPEED), transverseCollector->Set(Relay::kReverse), bottomShooter->Set(-0.45), preFire = 1;
else if(COLLECTORREVERSEBUTTON) lateralCollector->Set(-COLLECTORSPEED), transverseCollector->Set(Relay::kForward);
if(lateralCollector->Get() > 0.1f) preFire = 0;

// Check drive-reverse button
if(REVERSEDRIVEBUTTON) reverseToggleCurrent = 1;
else reverseToggleCurrent = 0;

// Check manual-alignment button
if(MANUALALIGNENABLEBUTTON) currentButtonState = 1;
else currentButtonState = 0;

// If the total y-deflection for each joystick is below the threshold, we shouldn't count it at all, allowing perfect strafing
if(Abs(lefty) < JOYSTICKDEADBANDY) lefty = 0.0f;
if(Abs(righty) < JOYSTICKDEADBANDY) righty = 0.0f;

// Average the joystick positions
x = (leftx + rightx) / 2.0f;
y = (lefty + righty) / 2.0f;

// Store the states of the toggle buttons from the previous iteration
previousButtonState = currentButtonState;
reverseTogglePrevious = reverseToggleCurrent;

// If we are manipulating the bridge
if(armPosition == ARMENGAGEPOSITION && servoPauseCount <= 0 && !armOverride)
// Exit if the button has been released

// Drive winch until first light sensor is triggered (arm is in primed position)
if(!armStartSensor->Get() && armStage == 0) rearMotor->Set(0.5f);
else if(armStage == 0) armStage = 1;

// Stop winch until the light sensor on the bridge dector is triggered (bridge is hit)
if(!armHitSensor->Get() && armStage == 1) rearMotor->Set(0.0f);
else if(armStage == 1) armStage = 2;

// Continue to run winch until bottom switch is hit
if(!armDownSwitch->Get() && armStage == 2) rearMotor->Set(0.85f);
else if(armStage == 2) armStage = 3;

// Wait for manipulator button to be released
if(BRIDGEMANIPULATEBUTTON && armStage == 3) rearMotor->Set(0.0f);
else if(armStage == 3) armStage = 4;

// Return arm
if(!armUpSwitch->Get() && armStage == 4) rearMotor->Set(-0.2f);
else if(armStage == 4) armStage = 5;

// Disengage arm, set drive units to low gear, and stop winch motor; reset the armStage for next time
if(armStage == 5)
rearGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION;
frontGearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION;


// Drive modes

// If the manual-alignment buttons are pressed
// Check alignment buttons
if(MANUALALIGNLEFTREAR) rearSteer->Set(-0.8f);
else if(MANUALALIGNRIGHTREAR) rearSteer->Set(0.8f);
else rearSteer->Set(0);

if(MANUALALIGNLEFTFRONT) frontSteer->Set(-0.8f);
else if(MANUALALIGNRIGHTFRONT)frontSteer->Set(0.8f);
else frontSteer->Set(0);

// If the lock button is pressed
// Lock the wheels to ninety degrees and drive tank-style

// If the brake buttons is pressed
// Store value to hold
if(brakeValue == -1) brakeValue = driveWheelEncoderValue;

// Keep wheels straight

// Maintain position
TrackDrive(brakeValue, BOTH_MOTORS);

// If the tank turning button is pressed
// Turn the wheels in opposite directions

// Drive each end tank-style to rotate

// If the pivot mode button is pressed
// Keep the front wheels straight and turn the back wheels

// Drive the back to pivot

// Allow manual firing if no automatic firing is in use
if(!preFire) SetRollerSpeed(speedz, shooterSpeed);

/* Otherwise, we drive normally. If the joysticks are not pushed left or right any significant amount,
* drive tank-style */
// Set the drive motors according to their respective joysticks

// Only move rear motor if we aren't in bride-manipulate mode
if(armPosition != ARMENGAGEPOSITION || servoPauseCount > 0 || armOverride) rearMotor->Set(righty);

// If not pre-set firing speed was selected, allow manual firing
if(!preFire) SetRollerSpeed(speedz, shooterSpeed);

// Keep the wheels straight

// Determine our speed and angle of movement (force angle to be in first quadrant)
swerveSpeed = sqrt(x*x + y*y); // a^2 + b^2 = c^2
swerveAngle = -Abs(atan(x/y)); // x/y = tan(angle), therefore angle = atan(x/y); negative because of motor direction
swerveAngle = swerveAngle * 180 / Pi; // 1 radian = Pi/180 radians, so reverse
swerveAngle = swerveAngle / 90.0f; // Convert from degrees to a percentage of 90 degrees

// Set roller speeds manually if no pre-set speed has been selected
if(!preFire) SetRollerSpeed(speedz, shooterSpeed);

// Determine the quadrant of the joystick and convert the speed or angle appropriately
// We assume we're in quadrant one if none of these are true
if(x < 0 && y > 0) swerveAngle = -swerveAngle; // Quadrant two, reverse angle
else if(x < 0 && y <= 0) swerveSpeed = -swerveSpeed; // Quadrant three, reverse drive direction
else if(x >= 0 && y <= 0) // Quadrant four, reverse both
swerveSpeed = -swerveSpeed;
swerveAngle = -swerveAngle;

// If we are in monster mode and travelling faster than 80% max speed, we switch to car automatically (max speed is sqrt(2))
if(Abs(swerveSpeed) > 1.2f && steeringMode == MONSTERMODE) steeringMode = CARMODE;

// In monster, we reverse either the front or back steering depending on which direction we're travelling
if(steeringMode == MONSTERMODE)
// Multiplying by 0.75f makes the steering less sensitive as it has a smaller range
if(swerveSpeed <= 0) swerveAngleFront = -0.75f * swerveAngle, swerveAngleRear = 0.75f * swerveAngle;
else swerveAngleFront = 0.75f * swerveAngle, swerveAngleRear = -0.75f * swerveAngle;

// In car, we move only the front or only the back wheels, depending on which direction we're travelling
else if(steeringMode == CARMODE)
// Multiplying by 0.5f gives us 45 degrees at most of steering
if(swerveSpeed <= 0) swerveAngleFront = -0.5f * swerveAngle, swerveAngleRear = 0.0f;
else swerveAngleRear = -0.5f * swerveAngle, swerveAngleFront = 0.0f;

// Otherwise, in swerve, both sides get the same angle (negative because of the motor polarity)
swerveAngleFront = -swerveAngle;
swerveAngleRear = -swerveAngle;

// Convert front and rear angle percentages into pulses
swerveAngleFront *= PULSESPER90FRONT;
swerveAngleRear *= PULSESPER90REAR;

// Turn steering to desired angle

// Drive at the calculated speed

// Only move rear wheels if bride manipulate mode is not engaged
if(armPosition != ARMENGAGEPOSITION || servoPauseCount > 0 || armOverride) rearMotor->Set(swerveSpeed);

// If the manual alignment buttons been released and we previously being pressed, reset the encoders after aligning
if(previousButtonState == 1 && currentButtonState == 0)

// If the drive reverse-button was pressed and has been released, reverse the direction of the joysticks (for driving backwards)
if(reverseTogglePrevious == 1 && reverseToggleCurrent == 0) direction *= -1;
} // End of teleop

/* Code to run while in autonomous, or fully-automated mode. */
void Autonomous(void)
// Variables
int firstSwitch, secondSwitch; // Store the states of the autonomous switches

// Store the values of the switches for the autonomous modes
firstSwitch = autonomousSwitchOne->Get();
secondSwitch = autonomousSwitchTwo->Get();

// Check the states of switches and call the correct autonomous mode
if(firstSwitch && secondSwitch) AutonomousOne(); // Middle position is shoot then strafe
else if(firstSwitch && !secondSwitch) AutonomousTwo(); // To the right is shoot only
else if(secondSwitch && !firstSwitch) AutonomousThree(); // To the left is shoot then tip bridge
// Display an error if the switch setting is invalid (maybe the switch is unplugged or something)
DISPLAYPRINTF(1, "No autonomous switch");
} // End of Autonomous

/* Move the front wheels to the angle passed to this function in "targetPosition" */
int TrackFrontSteering(int targetPosition)
int frontSteeringEncoderValue; // Current wheel position
int remainingSteeringDistance; // Remaining distance to target position
float speed; // The speed to set the steering motor to

// Get the current position of the wheels from the encoder and calculate the distance to the target position
frontSteeringEncoderValue = frontSteeringEncoder->Get();
remainingSteeringDistance = AbsI(frontSteeringEncoderValue - targetPosition);

/* If the steering is within limits, we simply stop. Otherwise, we move either left or right. The division works thus:
* if the wheel is further away from the target than the approach distance, speed will be greater than one; otherwise,
* speed will be some percentage, linearly ramping the speed as it approaches zero. */
if(remainingSteeringDistance < STEERINGDEADBANDFRONT) speed = 0.0f;
else if(frontSteeringEncoderValue < targetPosition) speed = (float)remainingSteeringDistance / (float)STEERINGAPPROACHDISTANCEFRONT;
else speed = (float)-remainingSteeringDistance / (float)STEERINGAPPROACHDISTANCEFRONT;

// If we end up with an aforementioned speed greater than one (100%), we clamp it down to exactly 100%
if(speed > 1.0f) speed = 1.0f;
else if(speed < -1.0f) speed = -1.0f;

// Turn the motor at the calculated speed

/* If the motor is hardly moving, the wheels are where they need to be, so return 0. Otherwise, set the motor speed and
* return 1 to indicate that it is still moving. */
if(speed == 0.0f) return 0;
else return 1;

/* This function is the same as the above function, but for the rear wheels, instead. */
int TrackRearSteering(int targetPosition)
int rearSteeringEncoderValue;
int remainingSteeringDistance;
float speed;

rearSteeringEncoderValue = rearSteeringEncoder->Get();
remainingSteeringDistance = AbsI(rearSteeringEncoderValue - targetPosition);

if(remainingSteeringDistance < STEERINGDEADBANDREAR) speed = 0.0f;
else if(rearSteeringEncoderValue < targetPosition) speed = (float)remainingSteeringDistance / (float)STEERINGAPPROACHDISTANCEREAR;
else speed = (float)-remainingSteeringDistance / (float)STEERINGAPPROACHDISTANCEREAR;

if(speed > 1.0f) speed = 1.0f;
else if(speed < -1.0f) speed = -1.0f;


if(speed == 0.0f) return 0;
else return 1;

// Maintains a specific speed for the shooting roller. Returns true when roller is at that speed (similar to the steering)
int SetRollerSpeed(float targetSpeed, float currentSpeed)
float powerSetting;

// Calculate a power setting based on distance from target speed
powerSetting = Abs(targetSpeed - currentSpeed) / SHOOTERAPPROACHSPEED + SHOOTERCONSTANTSPEED;
if(powerSetting > 1.0f) powerSetting = 1.0f;

// We can only speed up or stop. Reversing would strip the gears
if(currentSpeed < targetSpeed) bottomShooter->Set(powerSetting);
else bottomShooter->Set(0.0f);

return (Abs(targetSpeed - currentSpeed) < SHOOTERDEADBAND);

// Get the instantaneous speed of the rollers based on the encoder
float GetRollerSpeed(char reset, double previous)
static int previousValue = 0, previousTime = 0; // Encoder and time values from last call
int currentValue, currentTime; // Encoder and time values from current call
int deltaValue, deltaTime; // Difference in encoder positions/time values

// Reset the counts to zero at first running
previousValue = 0;
previousTime = GetFPGATime();
return 0.0f;

// If the encoder hasn't moved, return the previous speed
if(rollerEncoder->Get() == previousValue) return previous;

// Calculate the distance the encoder has moved
currentValue = rollerEncoder->Get();
deltaValue = currentValue - previousValue;
previousValue += deltaValue;

// Loop
// Calculate elapsed time
currentTime = GetFPGATime(); // Replace this clock function call with a WPI lib function to get elapsed time
deltaTime = currentTime - previousTime;
}while(deltaTime <= 0); // Repeat until we get a valid reading

// Update previous time
previousTime += deltaTime;

// Calculate and return the speed value
return (double)deltaValue / ((double)deltaTime / 1000.0);

// This function attempts to maintain a specific encoder value on the drive block and is also similar to the steering
float TrackDrive(int targetPosition, char motorMask)
float distance; // Store the distance of the drive wheels from their target position
int currentPosition; // Current encoder position

// Get the current encoder position
currentPosition = driveEncoder->Get();

// Calculate the absolute distance and scale to a power setting
distance = (float)AbsI(targetPosition - currentPosition);
if(distance > 1.0f) distance = 1.0f;

// Move forward or backward at a proportional pace until within a deadband
if(currentPosition < targetPosition - DRIVEDEADBAND) distance *= 1.0f;
else if(currentPosition > targetPosition + DRIVEDEADBAND) distance *= -1.0f;
else distance = 0.0f;

// Move only the motors we want (either just the front, just the back, or both)
if(motorMask == FRONT_MOTOR || motorMask == BOTH_MOTORS) frontMotor->Set(distance);
if(motorMask == REAR_MOTOR || motorMask == BOTH_MOTORS) rearMotor->Set(distance);

// Return motor speed
return distance;

// Code for our first possible autonomous mode
void AutonomousOne(void)
// Variables
int rollerPause = MAGAZINEPAUSETIME; // The time to wait for the rollers to spin up before enabling the magazine
int shootPause = AUTOSHOOTPAUSETIME; // The time to wait for the balls to finish shooting in autonomous
float shooterSpeed = 0.0f; // Current voltage reading
int encoderValue = 0; // Value from drive encoder

// Reset the drive encoder and gyro

/* Tell the system that the code hasn't frozen. */

// Message displays
DISPLAYPRINTF(1, "Shoot then strafe"); // Display which autonomous mode is being used

// Get current encoder value and shooter speed
encoderValue = AbsI(driveEncoder->Get());
shooterSpeed = rollerVoltage->GetVoltage();

// Set servos

// Wait for the rollers to spin up before engaging the magazine belts to fire
if(rollerPause > 0)
// Spin up the rollers to the preset speed for the key shot
SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDTWO, shooterSpeed);

// Keep the wheels straight

// Fire the ball for a period of time
else if(shootPause > 0)
// Fire

// Spin up the rollers to the preset speed for the key shot
SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDTWO, shooterSpeed);

// Keep the wheels straight

// Strafe after shooting for a certain distance
else if(encoderValue < STRAFEDISTANCE)
TrackFrontSteering((int)(-PULSESPER90FRONT * 0.78));
TrackRearSteering((int)(-PULSESPER90REAR * 0.78));

// Stop

// Second of the possible autonomous modes
void AutonomousTwo(void)
/* Tell the system that the code hasn't frozen. */

// Display which autonomous mode we're in
DISPLAYPRINTF(1, "Shoot only");

// Keep the wheels straight

// Set the servos

// Spin up the rollers to the preset speed for the key shot
SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDTWO, rollerVoltage->GetVoltage());

// Move belts to fire
magazineBelt->Set(Relay::kForward), magazineBelt2->Set(Relay::kForward);

// Run the collectors in case another robot feeds us

// Third of the possible autonomous modes
void AutonomousThree(void)
// Variables
int rollerPause = MAGAZINEPAUSETIME; // The time to wait for the rollers to spin up before enabling the magazine
int shootPause = AUTOSHOOTPAUSETIME; // The time to wait for the balls to finish shooting in autonomous
float gyroAngle = 0; // Current angle from home as read by the gyro
float shooterSpeed = 0.0f; // Current voltage reading
int armStage = 0; // Current stage for bridge manipulator
int encoderValue = 0; // Value from drive encoder
int downPauseCount = ARMDOWNTIME; // Amount of time to wait while arm is down
int servoPauseCount = SERVOPAUSETIME; // Time to wait for servos to shift
float rearSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION, frontSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION, armSetting = LOWGEARPOSITION; // Servo posiions

// Reset the drive encoder and gyro

/* Tell the system that the code hasn't frozen. */

// Display messages
DISPLAYPRINTF(1, "Shoot then tip bridge"); // Display which autonomous mode is being used
DISPLAYPRINTF(2, "Gyro: %0.2f", gyroAngle); // The float value of the gyro angle
DISPLAYPRINTF(3, "Encoder: %d", encoderValue); // The value of the encoder

// Get encoder value and roller speed
encoderValue = AbsI(driveEncoder->Get());
shooterSpeed = rollerVoltage->GetVoltage();

// Set servos

// Wait for the rollers to spin up before engaging the magazine belts to fire
if(rollerPause > 0)
// Spin up the rollers to the preset speed for the key shot
SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDTWO, shooterSpeed);

// Keep wheels straight

// Set servos

// Fire the ball
else if(shootPause > 0)
// Fire

// Spin up the rollers to the preset speed for the key shot
SetRollerSpeed(FIRESPEEDTWO, shooterSpeed);

// Keep wheels straight

// Set servos

// Wait for servos to shift
else if(servoPauseCount > 0)

// Set servos

// Perform bridge manipulation
else if(armStage < 3)
// Stop rollers
SetRollerSpeed(0.0f, shooterSpeed);

// Get the gyro angle
gyroAngle = steeringGyro->GetAngle();

// Get the drive encoder value
encoderValue = AbsI(driveEncoder->Get());

// Turn left or right based on gyro reading to stay straight
if(gyroAngle + GYRODEADBANDANGLE < 0.0f) TrackRearSteering(PULSESPER90REAR / Cool;
else if(gyroAngle - GYRODEADBANDANGLE > 0.0f) TrackRearSteering(-PULSESPER90REAR / Cool;
else TrackRearSteering(0);

// Keep the front wheels straight and drive forward slowly

// Set servos

// Drive forward

// Drive winch until first light sensor is triggered (arm is in primed position)
if(!armStartSensor->Get() && armStage == 0) rearMotor->Set(0.5f);
else if(armStage == 0) armStage = 1;

// Stop winch until the light sensor on the bridge dector is triggered (bridge is hit) or we travel too far on the encoder
if(!armHitSensor->Get() && encoderValue < AUTONOMOUSDISTANCE && armStage == 1) rearMotor->Set(0.0f);
else if(armStage == 1) armStage = 2;

// Continue to run winch until bottom switch is hit
if(!armDownSwitch->Get() && armStage == 2) rearMotor->Set(0.85f);
else if(armStage == 2) armStage = 3;

// Wait for a bit
else if(armStage == 3)

if(downPauseCount <= 0) armStage = 4;
else downPauseCount--;

// Stop moving and return arm to hom
else if(armStage == 4)

if(!armUpSwitch->Get()) rearMotor->Set(-0.2f);
else armStage = 5;

// Bridge tipping is complete
// Return gears to low

// Stop winch and drive
}; /* This is an exception to our semi-colon rule, but its one of very few */

// Custom functions
float Abs(float number)
// Return the absolute magnitude of the given number (make it positive)
if(number < 0.0f) number = -number;
return number;

int AbsI(int number)
// Return the absolute magnitude of the given integer (make it positive)
if(number < 0) number = -number;
return number;

/* The entry point is FRC_UserProgram_StartupLibraryInit. Tell the linker where our code is. */

Could you perhaps explain your solution in depth a bit more? Also, How am I supposed to set roller speeds?
An answer is much appreciated. Thanks bounce
William Surmak
William Surmak

Posts : 104
Join date : 2011-10-12

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Programming Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Programming Questions

Post  Brendan van Ryn Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:00 pm

Okay Will, a few things. First, a helpful tip for posting code on the forum is to put it between blocks like this:

[ c o d e ]
// Code goes here
[ / c o d e ]

Just, without the spaced. There's also a "code display" button if that's confusing. As for the display, you should have read the text file I gave you. The TOP line displays the roller speed value and in parentheses displays the encoder pulse count (the distance the encoder has travelled). The line below that, which says "Roller Speed" or whatever, actually displays the voltage reading from the motor. It's staying at zero because the motor was disconnected. Therefore, the top line that displays the speed is the line you need to be looking at for consistency. I'm sorry if I sound short, but I had a frustrating day, and I DID say it in the text file I left you Wink

As for how the code works, I posted a tutorial on it, but I'll try to explain again. The function being used to read the roller speed is GetRollerSpeed(), so that's the main function to focus on. Basically, the main IsOperatorControl() loop just calls this function over and over again. Each time it's called, the function calculates a) The number of encoder pulses that have been recorded since the last call and b) The number of milliseconds that have passed since the last call. This is a simple calculation: take the current pulse/millisecond count and subtract the previous pulse/millisecond count. By dividing the change in distance (encoder value) by the change in time (milliseconds), we get speed. You should know this from math with lines: you divide the change in y by the change in x to get the slope (y2 - y1 / x2- x1). The main function then just stores this in a circular array to average it. Averaging a series of values is important to prevent noise and inconsistency from making the values fluctuate too much.

I hope that made sense and helped. As for using this new value to control roller speed, it's as simple as passing "rollerAverage" to the SetRollerSpeed() function instead of "rollerSpeed" or "speedValue" or whatever is passed to it now. Additionally, as I mentioned, the speed setting values will all need to be redone as the previous values (macros) were in volts, and the current values are in pulses per millisecond Wink

Brendan van Ryn

Posts : 95
Join date : 2010-09-30
Age : 30

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Programming Questions - Page 2 Empty Code wanted

Post  David Smith Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:12 pm

Will, can you send the latest version of the code to

Allan is the new mentor from OPG.

David Smith

Posts : 145
Join date : 2010-10-13

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